AASWOMEN for December 3, 2010

AASWOMEN for December 3, 2010

Committee on the Status of Women
Issue of December 3, 2010
eds. Joan Schmelz, Caroline Simpson, and Michele Montgomery

This week's issues:

1. Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science

2. We're not just assistants now, and we weren't then either

3. Nice story about Nancy Roman

4. Planning on curtailing travel due to TSA screenings?

5. CSWA-related events at the Seattle AAS

6. Child Care at the Seattle AAS

7. IUPAP conference on Women in Physics

8. Professional Skills Development Workshop, March 2011 APS meeting

9. Strategic Leadership Program for Women in STEM Fields

10. NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship

11. L'Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science

12. Graduate Women in Science Fellowships

13. Department of Energy Scholars Program

14. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Teaching Fellowships

15. NASA Academy Summer Program

16. Science & Engineering Apprenticeship Program for High School Students

17. Postdoctoral position in compact star asteroseismology

18. Assistant Director, Research Programs

19. Tenure-track Faculty Job at Wesleyan University

20. Rosalind Franklin Fellowship (Tenure-Track), University of Groningen


21. Staff opening at John Carroll University

22. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Syracuse University

23. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

24. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

1. Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science
From: Several Readers

Rick Fienberg [rick.fienberg_at_aas.org] sent us this:

Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science: A Classroom Study of Values Affirmation Akira Miyake, Lauren E. Kost-Smith, Noah D. Finkelstein, Steven J. Pollock, Geoffrey L. Cohen and Tiffany A. Ito1

In many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines, women are outperformed by men in test scores, jeopardizing their success in science-oriented courses and careers. The current study tested the effectiveness of a psychological intervention, called values affirmation, in reducing the gender achievement gap in a college-level introductory physics class. In this randomized double-blind study, 399 students either wrote about their most important values or not, twice at the beginning of the 15-week course. Values affirmation reduced the male-female performance and learning difference substantially and elevated women's modal grades from the C to B range. Benefits were strongest for women who tended to endorse the stereotype that men do better than women in physics. A brief psychological intervention may be a promising way to address the gender gap in science performance and learning.

Full article link available here: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/330/6008/1234.full

Lisa Kaltenegger [lkaltene_at_cfa.harvard.edu] sent us this: An article about the paper is available here: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/2010/11/25/15-minute-writing-exercise-closes-the-gender-gap-in-university-level-physics

Maryam Modjaz <mmodjaz_at_gmail.com> sent us links to both and noted "the sample size is still small (~400 people) and it will be interesting to see what follow-up studies on larger samples yield."

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2. We're not just assistants now, and we weren't then either From:
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein [cosmos_at_post.harvard.edu]

I recently moved to the Washington, D.C. area to begin a NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship at Goddard Space Flight Center. Since my Canadian boyfriend had never been to DC before, I decided to show him my favorite parts of the city. The first thing we did was visit the National Air and Space Museum, one of my favorite places in the world. I was particularly excited about the "Explore the Universe" exhibit ( http://www.nasm.si.edu/exhibitions/gal111/index.cfm ) because as a theorist, I don't know as much about the history of instrumentation as I should, and I was excited to see some older instruments first hand.

So, imagine my dismay when I got to the section about Caroline and William Herschel, a sister-brother team of astronomers, and saw their names attached to the following titles: William Herschel: The Complete Astronomer Caroline Herschel: William's Essential Assistant [Photo of Plaque can be seen at http://www2.fiu.edu/~simpsonc/HerschelPlaque.jpeg ]

The paragraph describing Caroline goes on to begin, "A fine astronomer in her own right . . . " Well, if she was an astronomer, how come she doesn't get the same label as her brother? What kind of message does this send to the young girls and boys who will potentially be exposed to astronomy for the first time in this exhibit? Caroline Herschel is the first woman (of only three) mentioned in the exhibit, and it seems her claim to fame is having been in the employ of her genius brother.

I'm not suggesting that Caroline's contributions be exaggerated -- simply that astronomers should be labeled as such. It's hard enough to find recorded examples of white women (much less women of color) who made contributions to the field, so why downgrade their significance and role when we do? The reality is more likely that Caroline and William were collaborators. In addition to continuing their collaborations after her brother's death, Caroline Herschel made several discoveries of comets and was awarded prizes for her contributions to the field. Indeed, without Caroline's independent work after his death, William's contributions to the field would be significantly lessened.

But it's 2010, and I shouldn't have to explain why a woman astronomer should be given the title of "astronomer." The exhibitors at NASM are tasked with an important job: to represent what we do to the general public, in part to encourage the next generation to follow in our footsteps. We all know that when little girls get the message that science isn't for them to do or lead, they take it to heart. NASM's job, like ours, is to change that narrative and change the way that story typically ends. They are failing all of the little girls out there, and by extension the field of astronomy, by cheating astronomer Caroline Lucretia Herschel of her due.

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3. Nice story about Nancy Roman
From: Geoff Clayton [gclayton_at_gmail.com]

There is a nice story about Nancy Roman in the ChevyChase Patch:

"Mother of the Hubble" Holds Discussion at Friendship Heights Center


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4. Planning on curtailing travel due to TSA screenings?
From: Anonymous

We received an inquiry from a reader who was curious to know if there is much discussion in the community of women astronomers about the latest TSA screening procedures? The reader feels that the new procedures are too personally invasive and will be curtailing her travel in the future as a result. She wanted to know if anyone else felt this way?

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5. CSWA-related events at the Seattle AAS
From: Joan Schmelz [jschmelz_at_memphis.edu]

A reminder that CSWA is sponsoring or helping organize the following sessions the Seattle AAS in January. Here's the list:

Strategies for Addressing Harassment and Prejudice Special Session Monday, Jan 10, 10:00 AM Room 4C-4 Sponsor: CSMA amp; CSWA

CSWA: What Can Men Do to Help Women Succeed in Astronomy? Town Hall Monday, Jan 10, 2011, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM Ballroom 6A Sponsor: CSWA

Two-Body Issues: Balancing Work and Life Special Session Tuesday, Jan 11, 10:00 AM Room 608 Sponsor: AAS Employment Committee

Addressing Unconscious Bias: Steps toward an Inclusive Scientific Culture by Abigail Stewart (Univ. of Mich.) Invited Session Thursday, Jan 13, 11:40 AM Ballroom 6AB Sponsor: CSWA

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6. Child Care at the Seattle AAS
From: CSWA

The AAS will provide childcare onsite during the meeting through the Kiddie Coprs Service. Care will be available Sunday, 9 January 2011 through Thursday, 13 January 2011. The cost of care is per $8 hour. The advance registration deadline is 13 December 2010. To arrange childcare please complete the registration form available at http://aas.org/meetings/aas217/child_care

[Please note that the deadline for Child Care Grants has passed, however.]

There is also a Childare Sharing Forum linked from the AAS Child Care site to find other attendees interested in sharing childcare. You will need to register to view and post on the forum.

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7. IUPAP conference on Women in Physics
From: Luz J Martinez-Miranda [ljmm_at_umd.edu]

I am a co-leader of the US delegation to the 4th International Conference on Women in Physics. We are accepting applications to the US delegation until January 7, 2011 at midnight EST. The details of where to apply and where to find out more information on the meeting appear in the attached flyer. Please distribute it among your members.

The US team leaders invite you to apply to become a member of the US delegation to the 4th IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The conference will feature discussion of progress and challenges in increasing the numbers and advancement of women in physics around the world; highlight exciting physics frontiers; and feature successful strategies for attracting girls to physics, helping young women launch physics careers, and promoting more women into leadership. Numerous opportunities are planned for networking, professional development, exploring international collaborations, and sharing your research interests and results in a poster session. More information about the conference may be found at: http://www.acitravel.co.za/event/index.php?eventID=20

A pdf version of the flyer is available at http://www2.fiu.edu/~simpsonc/IUPAPflyer.pdf

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8. Professional Skills Development Workshop, March 2011 APS meeting
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

NOTE: Deadline to apply is December 10, 2010

March 20, 2011 Dallas, Texas

Professional Skills Development workshops are designed to provide women physicists with professional training in effective negotiation, communication and leadership skills, as well as a special opportunity for networking. The primary workshop goal is to produce more women leaders in physics and to help these women achieve their full potential in the top ranks of their profession.

Information available at http://www.aps.org/programs/women/workshops/skills/index.cfm

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9. Strategic Leadership Program for Women in STEM Fields
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

From Specialist to Strategist is a strategic leadership program designed in collaboration with the Society of Women Engineers that equips women in STEM with a solid understanding of business and leadership fundamentals for the advancement of critical business initiatives. The program is designed for women who are four to ten years into their careers and who are assuming first time roles as leaders or are managers being prepared for advancement. Companies are encouraged to send teams of two to ten high potential women to create momentum within their organizations' leadership pipeline. Registration is now open for the program that runs from June 5-10, 2011.

Information at: http://www.smith.edu/execed/programs/ScienceTechnology/SWE

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10. NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

Deadline is February 1, 2011

NASA announces a call for graduate fellowship proposals to the NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship (NESSF) program for the 2011-2012 academic year. This call for fellowship proposals solicits applications from accredited U.S. universities on behalf of individuals pursuing Master of Science or Doctoral degrees in Earth and space sciences, or related disciplines. The purpose of NESSF is to ensure continued training of a highly qualified workforce in disciplines needed to achieve NASA's scientific goals.

The NESSF call for proposals and submission instructions are located at the NESSF 11 solicitation index page at http://nspires.nasaprs.com -- click on "Solicitations" then click on "Open Solicitations" then select the "NESSF 11" announcement. Also refer to "Proposal Submission Instructions" and "Program Specific Questions" listed under "Other Documents" on the NESSF 11 solicitation index page.

For further information contact Dolores Holland, Program Administrator for NESSF Heliophysics Research, Planetary Science Research, and Astrophysics Research, Telephone: (202) 358-0734, E-mail: hq-nessf-Space_at_nasa.gov.

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11. L'Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science From: WIPHYS, Nov. 19,

NOTE: Deadline is December 13, 2010 L'Oreal has announced the opening of its application period for the L'Oreal USA Fellowships for Women in Science program. The program, now in its eighth year, annually recognizes and supports five women postdoctoral researchers in the U.S. who are pursuing careers in the life and physical/material sciences. L'Oreal USA awards each recipient up to $60,000 dollars toward postdoctoral research.

More information and application here: https://lorealfwis.aaas.org/login/indexA.cfm

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12. Graduate Women in Science Fellowships:
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

Deadline is January 15, 2011

There are several fellowships available for women in the sciences from SDE and GWIS.

To be eligible, the applicant must be enrolled as a graduate student, or engaged in post-doctoral or early-stage junior faculty academic research, and demonstrate financial need for continuation or completion of their research.

Full information is available at: http://www.gwis.org/programs.htm

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13. Department of Energy Scholars Program
From: WIPHYS, Nov. 19, 2010

Deadline is January 31, 2011

The Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program is now accepting applications for Summer 2011. The program offers summer internships with stipends of up to $650 per week depending on academic status to undergraduates, graduate students and post graduates at accredited institutes of higher education.

More information here: http://orise.orau.gov/doescholars

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14. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Teaching Fellowships
From: WIPHYS, Nov. 19, 2010

Deadline is January 12, 2011

The application process for 2011 Teaching Fellowships is now open. Knowles Science Teaching Foundation (KSTF) Science and Mathematics Teaching Fellows are chosen from among young men and women who have earned or are in the process of earning a degree in science, mathematics or engineering from a recognized institution of higher education.

More information here: http://www.kstf.org/fellowships/teaching.html

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15. NASA Academy Summer Program
From: WIPHYS, Nov. 19, 2010

Deadline is January 18, 2011

The 10-week NASA Academy summer program is now taking applications from undergraduate and beginning graduate students in the sciences, math, and engineering. The Academies are intensive educational programs emphasizing group activities, teamwork, research, and creativity. The curriculum balances direct contact with science and engineering Ramp;D with an awareness of the managerial, political, financial, social and human issues faced by aerospace professionals. Included are seminars, informal discussions, evening lectures, supervised research, visits to other NASA Centers and facilities, group project/s, tours, posters/presentations, and assessment. Additionally, most weekends are filled with group activities, team building and off-site trips.

The Academy is not a 9-5 summer research internship program. It is a rigorous, immersive experience that will challenge you. The academy is a space-themed program of high learning about NASA, its projects and collaborations with aerospace industry, and academia, with very little down time, but a busy, exciting summer that you will not forget.

More information here: https://academyapp.com

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16. Science & Engineering Apprenticeship Program for High School Students
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

Deadline is January 7, 2011

The program places academically talented high school students with interest and ability in science and mathematics as apprentices in Department of Navy laboratories for eight weeks during the summer. These students work with scientists and engineers who act as mentors. The program offers students a unique and positive experience in their fields of interest, thus encouraging them to pursue careers in science and engineering.

More information at: http://seap.asee.org/program

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17. Postdoctoral position in compact star asteroseismology
From: Mike Reed [mikereed_at_missouristate.edu]

Missouri State University is accepting applications for a POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (Asteroseismology) for the Physics, Astronomy, and Materials Science Department. Responsibilities include participating in research programs on pulsating hot subdwarf stars; obtaining, reducing, analyzing and disseminating multicolor photometry and time-resolved spectroscopy; and interacting with undergraduate students.

For required qualifications: www.missouristate.edu/jobs (listed under staff positions) or call (417) 836-4683. Excellent Benefit Package. This is a grant funded position. Pay Grade: Unclassified. Salary: Salary is commensurate with education and experience.

Submit letter of interest, resume, online application, copy of transcripts, list of publications, statement of research interests amp; name, address amp; phone number of three professional references by 1-5-2011 using the above web site, or to: Mike Reed, Search Chair, Physics, Astronomy and Materials Science, Missouri State University, 901 S. National, Springfield, MO 65897. Successful candidates must be committed to working with diverse student and community populations. Employment will require a criminal background check at University expense. AA/EOE.

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18. Assistant Director, Research Programs
From: Caroline Simpson [simpsonc_at_fiu.edu]

[Although the initial deadline has passed, the search will remain open until the position is filled, so I was requested to send this out in today's newsletter. -- ed.]

Florida International University, a part of the State University System of Florida, has an immediate opening for an Assistant Director, Research Programs. The successful candidate will provide curriculum development support and project coordination for the FIU Science Collaborative Project, a Howard Hughes Medical Institution Science Education Grant. The director will work closely with the discipline-based science education research faculty leading the project. The project will expand and deepen the transformation of science education already underway in physics, chemistry, and biology, leveraging external and institutional commitments to establish FIU as a recognized leader in science education innovation.

The most qualified candidates will have completed a doctoral degree in science, science education, or related field, although strong candidates with a master's degree or bachelor's degree plus 2 years of experience may apply. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Professor Laird Kramer (305-348-6073 / Laird.Kramer_at_fiu.edu). Applicants should apply online at www.fiujobs.org (position #62776) and arrange to have three letters of reference sent to Laird Kramer Department of Physics Florida International University 11200 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33199.

Complete job description is available at http://casgroup.fiu.edu/physics/news.php?id=1951

Application review will begin on Dec 1, 2010 and continue until the position is filled.

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19. Tenure-track Faculty Job at Wesleyan University
From: Edward Moran [emoran_at_wesleyan.edu]

Deadline: Decemeber 15, 2010

The Wesleyan University Astronomy Department invites applications for a tenure track position at the assistant professor level. The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. plus at least two years of post-doctoral experience. We seek a person who can teach across the curriculum, extend the research areas and techniques covered by the Department, and interact well with the existing faculty. The position is open to any area of specialization, but the successful candidate must demonstrate a willingness and ability to involve undergraduates in forefront research. In addition to an undergraduate major, the Department also runs an M.A. program that has been quite successful in preparing students, including those with non-traditional backgrounds, for admission to Ph.D. programs. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, and research statement. They should also arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to the search committee. The deadline for receipt of all application materials is December 15, 2010.

Wesleyan University is an equal-opportunity and affirmative-action employer and welcomes applications from women and members of historically underrepresented minority groups. Wesleyan recognizes the value individual and group differences contribute to the learning environment and to scholarship. Wesleyan University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, veteran status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or age in its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Affirmative Action Specialist, 317 North College, 860-685-4771.

Submission Address for Resumes/CVs : Name: Search Committee Organization: Wesleyan University Address: 96 Foss Hill Drive Address (cont.): Van Vleck Observatory City: Middletown State: CT ZIP: 06459 County: United States Tel: (860) 685-2130 Fax: (860) 685-2131 Email submissions: astrosearch_at_wesleyan.edu

Email address for inquiries: emoran_at_wesleyan.edu Related URL (optional): http://www.wesleyan.edu/astro (Department home page)

Please also see the AAS Job Register posting No. 26971.

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20. Rosalind Franklin Fellowship
From: Petra Rudolf [p.rudolf_at_rug.nl]

I would like to ask for your kind help in alerting potential candidates to the Rosalind Franklin Fellowship Call currently open at my university. To promote the participation of women in Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences the University of Groningen offers a prestigious fellowship programme, named after Rosalind Franklin, whose X-ray studies of DNA were crucial to solving its structure. Four fellowships are available in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The fellowships at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences are awarded to outstanding female scientists from any country and from any of the disciplines mathematics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, biology, pharmacy, environmental studies, computer science and artificial intelligence.

For further information see http://www.rug.nl/fwn/onderzoek/rff/index and below. Deadline is January 7th, 2011.

I would be most grateful if you were so kind as to notify colleagues who might be interested. Thank you for your help.

Prof. Dr. Petra Rudolf

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Rosalind Franklin Fellowships for Women in Arts and Sciences (tenure-track) University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Applicants must have: * A PhD and post-doctoral experience, preferably in different research institutions (Dutch applicants should have minimally two years of post-doctoral experience outside the Netherlands)

* Publications in first rate international scientific journals

* Experience in supervising research projects

* The ability to successfully compete for external research funding * Affinity to teaching

* International recognition * The candidate has the potential to develop into a leader who * guides and inspires

The 6-year fellowship comprises: * a gross annual salary commensurate with experience and in accordance with national standards, starting around \u20ac 4,082,- per month (full time position) * a start-up grant including a PhD student position

During these six years the fellow will be expected to focus on research, with teaching duties comprising maximally 30% of the time. The fellows are expected to develop their own independent line of research, while working in the unit of one of our professors.

Following a favorable evaluation at the end of the 6 years the fellow will be awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor for a period of 7 years. After a further 4 - 7 years another evaluation will take place and if this proves favorable, promotion to full professor will follow.

Applicants should submit: 1. a full curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications 2. a list of five selected "best papers"(preferably including copies) 3. a 3-5 page statement of research accomplishments and future research goals 4. the names and contact information (including e-mail address) of 3 referees

The deadline for application is January 7th, 2011.

Applications should be sent to:

Dr. L.J.A. van Putten Faculty Board office Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Groningen PO Box 407 9700 AK Groningen The Netherlands

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21. Staff opening at John Carroll University
From: WIPHYS, Nov. 19, 2010

The Physics department of John Carroll University is seeking to fill a staff position for a teaching and research support technician. Duties include: support teaching laboratories and classroom demonstrations; teach introductory labs and train and supervise undergraduate teaching assistants; train students in safe and correct machine shop practice; use machine tools to construct equipment to support science faculty research or teaching; manage and maintain the physics department machine shop. Suitably qualified individuals may have other teaching opportunities.

Screening of applications will begin December 6, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. John Carroll University is committed to diversity in the workplace; we strongly encourage applications from women and minorities. Qualifications: Master's or PhD degree in physics, engineering or related field preferred (Bachelors with extra experience will be considered). Skill with machining and safe machine shop practice. Ability to design and troubleshoot simple circuits. Computer skills sufficient to troubleshoot software or computer interface problems.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts, and two letters of recommendation, through the JCU web site at https://jcu.hua.mytalentlink.hrdpt.com/ats/job_search.php?view_all=1&clear=1

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22. Postdoctoral Research Associate, Syracuse University
From: WIPHYS, Dec. 1, 2010

NOTE: Deadline is December 15, 2010

The Syracuse University Gravitational-Wave Group invites application for a postdoctoral research position in gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics, starting September 1, 2011 or possibly earlier. The initial appointment will be for one year, renewable up to three years contingent on continued funding and satisfactory performance.

The successful candidate's research will be focused on development of search and parameter estimation techniques for gravitational waves using the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, the interface between numerical relativity and gravitational- wave astronomy and the physics of gravitational-wave sources.

For full consideration qualified candidates must complete an online management application ( https://www.sujobopps.com/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1291392583719 job #027055) and attach their curriculum vitae, list of publications, a statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to Prof. Duncan Brown at dabrown_at_physics.syr.edu or via regular mail to: Prof. Duncan Brown Department of Physics Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244, USA.

Application materials should be submitted by December 15, 2010 for full consideration, but the screening process will continue until the position is filled.

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23. How to Submit, Subscribe, or Unsubscribe to AASWOMEN

[Please remember to replace "_at_" in the below e-mail addresses.]

To submit to AASWOMEN: send email to aaswomen_at_aas.org . All material sent to that address will be posted unless you tell us otherwise (including your email address).

To subscribe or unsubscribe to AASWOMEN go to


and fill out the form.

If you experience any problems, please email itdept_at_aas.org

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24. Access to Past Issues of AASWOMEN

Past issues of AASWOMEN are available at


Each annual summary includes an index of topics covered.

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