Hubble Space Telescope turns 20

Hubble Space Telescope turns 20

Our Hubble Space Telescope is turning 20 this Saturday on 24th April.

To mark the anniversary enjoy these incredibly beautiful images taken by Hubble.

Spiral Galaxy M81 is located 12 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.

Bubble Nebula also known as NGC 7635.

This is an image of the Butterfly Nebula, aka NGC 6302. It was created through the death of a bright, hot central star

This is the image of Mystic Mountain .The image shows a mountain of dust and gas rising in the Carina Nebula. The top of a three-light-year tall pillar of cool hydrogen is being worn away by the radiation of nearby stars, while stars within the pillar unleash jets of gas that stream from the peaks.

Hubble Space Telescope took advantage of a rare opportunity to record Saturn when its rings were edge-on, resulting in a unique movie featuring the nearly symmetrical light show at both of the giant planet's poles .
Happy Birthday to Hubble !

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