Introduction to Astronomical Bullying

Introduction to Astronomical Bullying

CSWA will sponsor a Town Hall on bullying at the upcoming AAS meeting in Alaska. It is scheduled for Monday, Jun 11, 2012, 12:45 - 1:45 pm. The Town Hall is open to everyone, but we extend a special invitation to department chairs and group managers (or their representatives). Please join us.

Abstract: Unprofessional behavior is not limited to gender discrimination and sexual harassment. There are cases when ?something is just not right? in the workplace, which may involve no sexual overtones whatsoever. One such example is Astronomical Bullying, which can have some characteristics in common with childhood bullying. It is not limited to women. It can involve teasing or taunting. It can be overt or covert. It can be physically or psychologically threatening. It can come from a supervisor or a collaborator. It can involve spreading rumors about your qualifications or abilities as a scientist. The stress associated with a bullying situation can affect your work and your health. You may even feel that your future career is in jeopardy. The CSWA Town Hall at the Anchorage AAS meeting will introduce the concept of Astronomical Bullying. The Town Hall will include at least 30 minutes for discussion and answering questions from the audience.

--Joan Schmelz

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