Northern lights a rare atmospheric phenomenon

Northern lights a rare atmospheric phenomenon

Northern lights are the rare occuring faint atmospheric phenomenon seen in the nite sky at higher altitudes which are yellow-green lights.

Northern lights are also known as Aurora and are more visible in Central Europe and the UnitedStates.

Causes of Northern lights:

Northern lights are caused by the stream of particles constantly which are flowing from Sun that carries the Sun's magnetic field out into space. The solar wind is moving at a speed of 400km/sec flows past Earth's magnetic field and molds it into an elongated bubble.

Powerful events occurring on the Sun can drive enormous changes in the solar wind, increasing both its speed and density and enhancing its effect on Earth.

Northern lights do have an effect on our day to day lives. Here i would like to site some examples from the past.

During the aurora of September 2, 1859 the currents of electricity on the telegraph wires were so steady and powerful that, on several lines, the operators succeeded in using them for telegraphic purposes as a substitute for the battery and for some time messages were transmitted solely on auroral currents.

Northern lights are a beauty to watch.

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