Sir Isaac Newton quotes

Sir Isaac Newton quotes

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Einstein quotes

- New Black Hole Found
A new black hole more than 500 times the mass of Sun has been discovered using ESA's XMM-Newton space telescope....

- On The Edge Of A Hungry Black Hole
Gas and dust equal to the mass of two Earths are being gobbled up every hour by a hungry black hole in a distant galaxy, according to a space telescope probing the Universe in X-rays that has peered closer to a black hole than ever before. The European...

- Albert Einsteins Best Quotes
These are some of Einstein's quotes that I came came across.. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. Albert Einstein quote Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. Albert Einstein quoteThe...

- Space And Time-not Absolute
To know why time is not absolute, we must date back in time and have to see the evolution of theories regarding space and time. At first, Aristotle proposed that the natural state of a body is to be at rest and starts moving only when it gets acted upon...

- Comet-2
Comet - 2                                                   ...

