'Tis the Season...

'Tis the Season...

...for job hunting and writing recommendation letters! So I want to highlight Kelle Cruz's post at Astro Better on advice for writing good recommendation letters, particularly regarding letters written for women. The first link is about a study showing that "qualities mentioned in recommendation letters for women differ sharply from those for men, and those differences may be costing women jobs and promotions in academia and medicine." The second link is to a post by Julianne Dalcanton at Cosmic Variance, who notes that"for some reason, some fraction of letter writers insist upon doing these comparisons only within a single gender, when the applicant is a woman." I should also note that both male and female letter writers are guilty of these things, so all letter writers should pay heed!

The 217th AAS Meeting in Seattle is fast approaching! Some sessions to pay attention to:

Happy Holidays, whatever your traditions might be!

- Letter Of Recommendation For Letters Of Recommendation
My wife pointed out to me an interesting article in the May 2015 issue of Science about gender bias when writing letters of recommendation.  It is by Science Editor-in-Chief Marcia McNutt and describes her personal experience in reviewing graduate...

- Gender Equity Summit In Science Writing
This Weekend I attended part of the Science Writing Summit 2014 #SciWriSum14 #sciwrisummit, an inspiring gathering of science writers to advance the status of women in this profession.  The program was action-oriented, with break-out sessions reporting...

- Recommendation Letters
Summer is officially over, classes are back in session, and temperatures are (finally!) starting to cool off. Which means it's job hunting season! This year, I'm going to be on the other side of the job hunting process. And from this perspective,...

- Professional Development At Aas 219 In Austin
Guest post by Kelle Cruz, AAS Employment Committee The 219th AAS Meeting in Austin, TX from January 8-12, 2012 is coming up, and as continued tradition, thanks to the growing community involvement and NSF funding, professional development workshops, seminars,...

- Blogging, Big Meetings, And Bias
Regular blog readers may have noticed that a number of recent posts were not actually written by me (Hannah). This is part of an effort to bring a variety of new voices to the blog, and make it more truly about Women in Astronomy, rather than Hannah's...

