UK's 'Your Life' Campaign: Government, Industry, and Universities' Concrete Steps to Recruiting Women in STEM

UK's 'Your Life' Campaign: Government, Industry, and Universities' Concrete Steps to Recruiting Women in STEM

In early May the UK launched its ?Your Life? campaign, a new STEM initiative focused on spreading the message that science and math are the pathway to a successful and well-paid career*. The initiatives concrete goals are to:

Over 170 businesses, universities, schools, and other organizations have signed personalized pledges stating specific steps each company/organization will take to support these goals. The numerous pathways/programs fall under three main categories:

Below are a few examples of different companies specific pledges:

The initiative cites the following statistics in its motivation to focus efforts on 14-16 year olds:

Are there STEM recruitment programs in the U.S. that have this same level of coordination between universities, industry, and government? Are there other countries testing out similar models? 

Within our astronomy community, the AAS Employment Committee is working to develop and take advantage of partnerships with STEM companies to promote career pathways for our Ph.D.s. Much remains to be done, but at least the conversation is underway and initial steps are being taken. 

*For example, the White House report showing that women in STEM occupations earn 33% more than those in non-STEM occupations. 

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