Volunteer for Stardust@Home

Volunteer for Stardust@Home

Please volunteer to help find star dust from the Stardust spacecraft here. This spacecraft brought back dust from comet Wild 2 back to Earth. These dust particles are embedded in aerogel and with help of volunteers they can be found in a few months, opposed to years. So, please help by contributing your part to answer questions about the universe.

For more information about the mission and the spacecraft, visit:

- Is There A Life In Universe ?
Glycine , an amino acid which is a fundamental building block of life has been found in a comet. This is the first time an amino acid has been found in a comet. Glycine, has been identified in the samples returned from comet Wild 2 by NASA's Stardust...

- Nasa's Mars Global Surveyor Has Been Lost
The Mars Global Surveyor was launched in 1996, and had operated four times as long as it had been intended. After a series of events including on board computer memory and ground commands, the spacecraft was unable to orient itself due to battery failure....

- The Rosetta Selfie.
The Rosetta spacecraft managed to take this picture before making history.A camera aboard ESA?s Philae lander snapped this 'Selfie' of one of the Rosetta's 52-foot-long [16-meter] solar arrays, with comet 67P/Churyumov?Gerasimenko hovering...

- A Close Up Picture Of The Comet Lulin Feb 26 - 2009
The comet Lulin was jointly discovered by Asian astronomers in July of 2007. It is probably the first time the comet visits our solar system and will most likely never come back, or at least not in thousands of years. Lulin was closest to Earth on Feb...

- Comet - 1
Comets -1                                                       ...

