WiA 2009: Thursday

WiA 2009: Thursday

The problem with trying to live-blog this meeting is that it becomes immediately apparent when I missed talks. I was busy networking: that's my excuse and I'm standing by it.

I've discovered that there are at least a couple of people live-tweeting this meeting:


I suppose I could start, too...

ETA: @ashpags too!

- Peer Mentoring
I first encountered this term "Horizontal Mentoring" in the article "Horizontal Mentoring Alliances: Resonant Phenomena" that appeared last fall in the Gazette, published by the American Physical Society's CSWP. But the concept is not strange to me....

- 215th Aas: Meg Urry
The AAS Meeting was so big, I've asked a few people to help me summarize their thoughts and impressions of the meeting. I'll be posting them over the next days and weeks. Just to prove that I'm not the only one who felt overwhelmed by the...

- The New Girls' Network
It's been quiet on the blog here, and my excuse is that I've been busy with travel recently. I'm on an 8-day tour of the Bay Area, giving three seminar-length talks and one 20-minute conference talk while I'm here. I'm following a...

- Aas 213th Meeting: Day 0
Well, here I am in Long Beach! I plan to live-blog from the AAS Meeting here this week. Tomorrow should be off to a great start: the CSWA Session meets tomorrow at lunchtime. 12:45pm in Room 104B. Also of note: Monday at 3:40pm: Lisa Kewley -- Pierce...

- Aas Meeting
It's late December. Christmas is past, universities are on winter break, and New Year's is just around the corner. It's a special time of year for astronomers in particular, because... ... next week is the AAS Meeting!!! It's sometimes...

