A Giant leap In Moon mission

A Giant leap In Moon mission

Chandrayaan-1 has achieved a new milestone as it discovered 600 million metric tons ice on the Moon's North Pole.

The announcement was made at the 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Congress , organised by Houston- based Lunar and Planetary Institute. The discovery was made by a NASA payload on board Chandrayaan-1 called Mini - Sar a light weight intrument that weighs 10 Kg . It found more than 40 small craters with water ice , the size of craters ranging between one and nine miles in Moon.

Scientists say that the discovery of water ice in Moon is important as it can serve as as a natural resource on future missions . The ice can be melted into drinking water or separated into its component of oxygen and hydrogen to provide breathing air and and rocked fuelfor launching interplanetary missions from Moon.

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