AAS 213th Meeting: Day 0

AAS 213th Meeting: Day 0

Well, here I am in Long Beach!

I plan to live-blog from the AAS Meeting here this week. Tomorrow should be off to a great start: the CSWA Session meets tomorrow at lunchtime. 12:45pm in Room 104B.

Also of note:

My count is 2 of 7 Prize or Named Lecture talks are by women, with the caveat that the Cannon Prize is specifically for women.
Also, 2 of the 7 invited talks are by women. Not too bad a representation. Someone has been paying attention.

- The Genesis Of Cswa
The Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy (CSWA) was created in June 1979 by the AAS council. The events that led to its formation are described in detail in an article by former CSWA chair, Sue Simkin, in "The American Astronomical Society's...

- Aas Prizes ? Self-nominations
You have probably realized that the deadline for nominations for AAS prizes has shifted earlier, to June 30. This means you still have a few weeks to submit nominations. Those of us who are frustrated at the continued dearth of women prize recipients...

- Maybe There Is Hope After All
Greetings from Sweden, home of the most generous parental leave policies in the world! I'm here attending a scientific conference this week. As I've been going to talks and interacting with people, I couldn't help but notice something interesting...

- Nobel Prize Winning Women In Science
I caught a re-broadcast of this radio program over the weekend and had to share: Nobel Prize winners Drs. Blackburn and Greider on the Diane Rehm show, also featuring Melody Barnes, who works in the Obama administration. They talk about the importance...

- The New Girls' Network
It's been quiet on the blog here, and my excuse is that I've been busy with travel recently. I'm on an 8-day tour of the Bay Area, giving three seminar-length talks and one 20-minute conference talk while I'm here. I'm following a...

