Decadal Survey Town Hall redux
Yesterday, I went to the Decadal Survey Town Hall held at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, DC. This being within easy driving distance of University of Maryland, Goddard Space Flight Center, and Space Telescope Science Institute, I was fully expecting to have to fight for seating.
Only a few dozen people showed up.
Does this mean that everyone has heard their fill of the Decadal Survey already? That everyone is completely happy with the results? That they don't care about it? That the meeting wasn't well-publicized? That people are afraid of Washington, DC?
As for the Women in Astronomy
TM perspective on the meeting, I believe I personally knew every woman except maybe one in the room. For all that astronomy is the study of the universe on the largest scales, it's a pretty small world.
Cswa Town Hall In Indianapolis
CSWA is hosting a Town Hall at the Indianapolis AAS meeting. Please join us! Title: Unconscious Bias, Stereotype Threat, and Impostor Syndrome Date: Tuesday, June 4 Time: 12:45 - 1:45 pm Place: Wabash Ballroom 3 (Indiana Convention Center)...
Report From Anchorage Aas: Cswa Town Hall
I attended my first Summer AAS Meeting last month, in Anchorage, AK. I will admit that the location was a big draw for me. Of course, I fully enjoyed the scientific aspects of the meeting as well. And while 22 hours of sunlight a day is an interesting...
Decadal Report
As virtually every US astronomer knows, the 2010 Decadal Report was released on Friday the 13th, August 2010. Personally, I was on vacation at the time and missed the live webcast. What I have gathered is that if you work in a field that was prioritized...
Aas 215 -- Owlm
So, last week was the 215th AAS Meeting in Washington, DC. I found the meeting to be pretty overwhelming. In fact, the title of this post is a reference to the OWLT, in case it wasn't clear. It was the biggest AAS Meeting in history, which for me...
Aaswomen Newsletter 06/19/09
AAS Committee on the Status of Women Issue of June 19, 2009 eds. Joan Schmelz, Caroline Simpson & Michele Montgomery This week's issues: 1. Happy 30th Birthday AASWomen!2. Graduate Student Astro2010 Decadal Survey Town Hall3. The Name Game - Your...