To grow the first plant on Mars, seeds will be send in 2018.

To grow the first plant on Mars, seeds will be send in 2018.

Mars One will send seeds to Mars in 2018 to grow the first plant on the Red planet, thanks to the 'Seed' team.The 'Seed' team has won a contest on the best designs for experiments on Mars organised by the Mars One.

'Seed' was selected by popular vote from 35 university proposals and this is the first time the public has decided which experiment should receives the extraordinary opportunity to land on Mars.

"Seed itself is uniquely inspiring since this would be the first time a plant will be grown on Mars," said Arno Wielders, co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Mars One.

Mars One said the 'Seed' aims to germinate the first seed on Mars in order to contribute to the development of life support systems and provide a deeper understanding of plant growth on Mars.
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