OCTOBER, 1987 (Sky & Telescope)

OCTOBER, 1987 (Sky & Telescope)

- What Is Harvest Moon?
I was surfing net when i stumbled upon a term "Harvest Moon" which i would like to share with you all in my this post.Harvest moon is defined as the full moon closest to autumnal equinox . It is not an annual phenomenon but occurs once every four years...

- Airborne Telescope
Airborne telescope will unlock secrets of the cosmos A NASA jumbo jet that will help scientists unlock the origins of the universe with infrared observations reached a milestone December 18 when doors covering the plane's telescope were fully opened...

- Was Nasa "moon Bombing" A Success ?
NASA's Lunar CRater Obsevation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) impacted the Moon's crater Cabeus on October 9, 2009 near the South Pole to find if the permanently shadowed crater might be hiding water. NASA previously eatimated that the debris...

- Some Hubble Space Telescope History
By Jarrod Roby The Hubble Space Telescope, named after Edwin Hubble, was built by NASA, and launched into space in 1990. At the time, astronomers the world over expected great discoveries to be made. With this magnificent telescope's help, we could...

- Professional Skills Development Workshop
Mark your calendars: here's a heads up for those of you planning to attend the Women in Astronomy Meeting in College Park, MD on October 21-23. There will be a professional skills development workshop held the day before the meeting, on October 20,...

